We are a community of students that support each other in finding the most effective ways we can improve the world.
Most of us want to make a difference. We see suffering, injustice and death, and are moved to do something about them. But working out what that ‘something’ is, let alone actually doing it, can be a challenging journey. Effective altruism (EA) is a response to this challenge.
EA Tilburg is a community focused on helping each other effectively improve the world with our lives and careers, combining compassion with evidence and reasoning.
Anyone interested in the question of “How can we do the most good?” is more than welcome! Disagreements and discussion about the possible answers to this complex question are expected and encouraged.
Introduction Fellowship
How can we tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems, including ending global poverty and factory farming, mitigating technological risks, preventing future pandemics, and stopping climate change? How do we compare these causes and prioritize them? How can students in Tilburg find fulfilling and impactful careers?
The Introduction Fellowship is a five-week program that engages with these questions and explores the core concepts and ideas related to effective altruism.
What we do
We run fellowships, talks, discussion groups, impactful career planning groups and regular socials, with conversations ranging from abstract philosophical concepts to practical things we can do in our daily lives. We have connections to a lot of professionals within effective altruism (EA) from all over the world to connect students with internships, grants, resources, and career guidance for highly impactful careers. We also intensively collaborate on bigger projects with other EA groups at universities in the Netherlands and beyond, and travel together to EA conferences!