Get Involved
We support students in finding the most effective ways they can improve the world.
Curious what this community can mean for you? Join one of our events, programs, meetups or subgroups!
Some members of EA Tilburg and EA Eindhoven at the EAGxRotterdam conference (4-6 November 2022).
Stay updated
Join our WhatsApp community to easily stay up to date with what we do. Also consider adding our events Google Calendar or following our socials.
Introduction Fellowship
The Effective Altruism Introduction Fellowship is a 5-week program for anyone interested in exploring the question at the heart of effective altruism: How can we most effectively improve the world? Together with like-minded students, you will explore, discuss and evaluate the evidence for what the world's most pressing problems are, how you can prioritize between these problems, and how you can realistically tackle them with your career!
Social Meetups
Curious to meet the Effective Altruism Tilburg community? Come join us at our biweekly social meetups to discuss EA ideas and have fun in a casual setting. We look forward to meeting you!
High-Impact Career Mastermind
The High-Impact Career Planning Mastermind will help you figure out how you can pursue an impactful and meaningful career, regardless of where you are in your journey. We will help you explore potential job paths, clarify your thoughts, plan out your next steps, and connect you with mentors and potential job opportunities.
Join the organizing team
We are very ambitious about our plans for the 2024-25 academic year, which are all aimed at helping students figure out how they can use their careers to best improve the world. We want to launch different subgroups, organize inspiring events, and collaborate with other groups on the TiU Campus and beyond.
This is why we are looking for new organizers to help strengthen our team.